A to Z of keeping you healthy the simple way

Over the last several months you learned a lot about health. Here is your A to Z of all those lifestyle choices you can make to live a better, longer life:

Alcohol - reduce your daily intake of alcohol. It’s better for you health and your weight

Blood glucose - measure every day as needed and when trying new foods

Carbs - reduce the intake of bad carbs and enjoy those complex carbohydrates that are good for your health

DASH diet - add fruits and veggies, low fat dairy, white meat such as poultry and fish to you diet

Exercise - move more during the day to burn calories and get your blood flowing

Fruit - is a great substitute for sugary snacks and candy

Get help - talk to your care team and let them help along your way to a better health

Herbs - and spices make a great substitute for the extra salt in our foods

Increase - daily calorie burn by being more active and building muscle mass

Joy - find new hobbies and enjoy your life

Know your numbers - keep an eye on your blood sugar and know what’s normal level for you

Lose weight - if you have some extra pounds, improve your diet and shed that excess weight

Medication - take your medication as prescribed by your doctor

Nicotine - stop or at least reduce your nicotine intake by quitting smoking and vaping

Organic - use natural, unprocess ingredients in your dishes whenever possible

Potassium - keeps your heart healthy. Add bananas, nuts and veggies to your menu

Quiet - your mind before bedtime with a simple meditation

Relax - keep your stress levels down during the day with a more active lifestyle

Sugar - watch your diet and stay away from added sugar

Try - new ways of cooking such as baking and air-frying

Use - your glucose monitor daily and measure consistently

Vinegar - and citrus juice is a tastier substitute for ketchup, dressing or sauce

Water - hydrate enough during the day to reduce hunger

X - eliminate excessive bad cholesterol by adding plant-based proteins, fish and seafood to your diet

Yogurt - try it instead of a salad dressing next time you make a salad

Zzzzs - get your 7-9 hours a sleep every day

Source: The American Heart Association and American Diabetes Association

Nothing in this article should be considered medical advice. Ask your doctor if you have any questions. In a case of medical emergency call 911.

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