Let's spice up your diet with healthier condiments

Ketchup, soy sauce and BBQ sauce are staples of many dishes yet most of these ready-made condiments are very high in salt, which is bad for your heart health. Try a few healthier alternatives and see how delightful they can be:

Citrus juice and vinegars

Great as a substitute for a ready made dressing, they add flavor and zest to salads, fish dishes and vegetable side meals. Try lemon, lime or orange juice to add that little kick and color to your meal.

Herbs and spices

Your local store is likely to have most of the common fresh herbs, which are easy to grow in a garden or a window sill. Use them fresh or dry them for a later use. Spices are a fantastic way to add more flavor to any meal without increasing salt quantity.

Low fat yogurt and sour cream

If you love your creamy dressing on your salad, why not try to use low fat yogurt or sour cream instead? Add herbs or spices to add taste.

Useful tip

It’s easy to make your own healthy versions of condiments. See some of the recipes for making your own condiments including an easy-to-follow video here:

Image link to ketchup recipe
Printable recipes

Link to video
Video on homemade condiments

Source: The American Heart Association

Nothing in this article should be considered medical advice. Ask your doctor if you have any questions. In a case of medical emergency call 911.

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