Smarter shopping for healthier heart

Healthier eating starts with smarter food shopping. Enjoy your favourite foods in a healthier way with a few tips for your trip to the store.

All the health claims, messages and logos on foods can get confusing when trying to make  better health choices during your supermarket trip. Use these tips to shop smarter while shopping online or in-person at the store.

1. Read food nutrition labels, even for so-called “healthier” foods. Ingredients and nutrient content can vary a lot by brand and preparation. When there’s more than one choice, compare labels. Choose the item with the lowest amounts of sodium, saturated fat, trans fat and added sugars.

2. Beware of sneaky ingredients. For example, sodium and added sugars go by many different names, making it harder to tell just how much is in there.

3. Choose frozen, canned or dried produce when fresh isn’t available or practical. It can be just as nutritious as fresh, and will last longer. Choose canned fruit packed in water, light syrup or its own juice. With canned and frozen vegetables, choose the product with the lowest amount of sodium. Heavy syrups and sauces can add unwanted ingredients to your healthy fruits and veggies.

4. Choose whole-grain foods. Lots of products claim to be, but there’s a simple way to know for sure. Look for the word “whole-grain” (or “whole” followed by the grain name) as the first item in the ingredients list. And we’re talking more than just bread. Include crackers, cereals, tortillas, pasta and other grain foods in your whole-grain quest.

Useful tip

Nutrition labels contain valuable information you need to know before selecting your food. Learn how to understand what’s on it by clicking on the image below

Lara Health image
Guide to nutrition labels

Source: The American Heart Association

Nothing in this article should be considered medical advice. Ask your doctor if you have any questions. In a case of medical emergency call 911.

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